Wednesday 6 August 2014

Top TV Series!

Hey Guys, so today i thought that i would share with you my top TV series as of now and other the last few months, and it is no surprise to me that all of them are American TV shows as they are defiantly my guilty pleasure and i could sit there for hours on my laptop watch episode after episode (which i have done).So here are some of the shows that i am loving at the minute...
1- Pretty Little Lairs- Now by far Pretty Little Liars has to be my favorite program's like i'm sure it is to many of you. I was a bit late on the bang wagon as i started watching it around last April after a friend was raving over it. I was instantly hooked, i mean who doesn't love a good mystery teen drama with romance,drama and a bit of comedy from Hanna's one liners! I think i got through 4 seasons in a matter of weeks,i would defiantly recommend you watch the series if you haven't already!and everyone says the first few episodes don't do anything for the series so don't give you up after the first episode.
2- Catfish- Another one of my favorite TV shows has got to be Catfish, i have been watching it for a while now i absolutely love it. For anyone who doesn't know the host Nev and Max go around the states helping people meet the people who they have an online relationship with and more than often the person doesn't turn out for be exactly who they say they are. It can be quite scary at times and sad for the reality of the situation but it defiantly makes you more aware of being safe on the internet and makes you more conscious of who you are really talking too.I would defiantly also recommend that you watch the Catfish Movie as it gives you a good insight into why Nev started the show in the first place.    
3- Americas Next Top Model- The next show that has been a favorite for quite a long time and that is ANTM, i just love seeing what models have to do and a little insight into the modeling world, i especially love makeover week,there is always a tantrum! and i Love the host Tyra Banks.I was rather sad when i found out the UK version was cancelled, but i think i do prefer the American Version, a definite watch!You may even perfect the perfect 'Smize'.
4- The Vampire Diaries- Now i mean who doesn't love a good vampire tale! If you are a fan of the Twilight but want something a bit more grown up and sexy i would defiantly recommend that you check this out. Similarly to PLL i went through the series rather fast, and i was hooked after watching the TV promo, for any fans of the show already i have to say i am defiantly on team Damon! 

The Originals- I also just wanted to mention the series that i am currently watching and enjoying,The Originals is actually a spin off show of the Vampire Diaries, with the main characters also appearing in previous series of the Vampire Dairies!If you are a fan of the Vampire Diaries i would recommend this show as it gives you the chance to learn more about the Original family than you do in VD.

SO i hoped you enjoyed finding out what i am watching at the moment.
Please comment down below of any series that you would recommend 
as i am always looking for a few series to watch!
“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.” 
Sara Shepard (writer of The PLL Books)


  1. yes Catfish and ANTM are two of my faves!

    1. They are great aren't they! got any other tv recommendations! need something new to watch :)
